We take great pride in providing high-quality products/services and exceptional customer service, and our customers’ feedback is a testament to our commitment to excellence. We believe that customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of our business, and we are thrilled to share some of our success stories with you. So take a look and see what our customers have to say about their experiences with us!

Sam W

Happy Customer

“Every time I open the garage door I look at it and say: That was worth it!”

Jim G

Happy Customer

“When I picked my car up, I was actually looking for a ding and couldn’t find one!”

Jim G

Happy Customer

“When I picked my car up, I was actually looking for a ding and couldn’t find one!”

More Happy Customers

“I was working as a spray painter prior to learning PDR.
This skill has allowed me to expand on the money I could make whilst being at the panel shop as I fixed the odd dents on the cars that came in.
I had doubled my daily pay rate”

Hyunchul Kim

Seoul – South Korea

“I have just completed the training course. It was brilliant. The training is well delivered by a team of experts.
It certainly took some persistence, but these guys were always very encouraging and realistic.
I am now buying hail damaged cars, fixing them and flipping them.”

Stephen C

Wollongong – NSW

Darren and his team are incredible at what they do! My Mercedes was damaged from a hail storm, and it left some nasty dents and dings all over my gloss black paint job. Darren quickly assessed my car, and was able to assure that the damage would be fixable. After 24 hours, my car looked brand new. Thanks again for your honesty and amazing work ethic Darren & Team DC1, will definitely recommend your services to my family and friends“

Jason Facelo

Happy Customer

“Before I started the course, we recently sold our pizza business and had our first child. I was quite lost in life direction and money was becoming a real problem. I stumbled across the PDR course through my cousin who encouraged me to take on the challenge.

After completing the course, I worked at the workshop and practiced on the cars that were given to me. Since then, my income and family relationships have improved dramatically as I was able to make more money with less time which enables me to spend more time with my family.

If you are thinking of doing this course to improve your wealth and relationships, I strongly recommend you take this step now”

Mehmet Cetin

Director of MC Dents – Sydney

“Did I even have dents!?
Thanks Team DC1 for your efficient and professional service in repairing my hail-damaged dents. Immaculate touch ups, so much so that you wouldn’t be able to tell that it had even been damaged! 😀
I highly recommend Team DC1 for a quick service for any dents in your car at an affordable cost”

Rachel Seo

Happy Customer

“A team of friendly people with exceptional quality at a very reasonable price.

I highly recommend fixing your car here”

Randall Douglas

Happy Customer